Please get some voice lessons or a new lead singer... you are NOT singing. Also the music is sooooooooo plain and unoriginal. I'm sitting here thinking "really?"
There is nothing new or exciting about your music. Try to do something cutting edge. I could hear something better in a college dorm talent contest. The guitar is almost not noticeable. It's so emotionless. Is it even a real person? It sounds lifeless.
Same with your bass. What are you playing on.... drive guitars? The drums are sooooo weak too. Your whole band needs to clean everything up and step it up. Everything has already been done. It's a simple beat with simple chords and a simple rhythym. That's set up for failure already.
The only thing that could save you is good lead guitar and singing which is probably even worse. I understand that this all may seem very harsh and unnesecary but by putting your stuff up on NG your opening up to all kinds of criticism.
I'm just brutally honest. I suppose some people like it, but if you ever want to improve or get anywhere with your band take my advice. I guarantee that not many people enjoy this and those who do are either very young or have no musical knowledge or taste whatsoever.